Fellow 70s and 80s Gurus – please feel to drop The Glam Guru a note. Whether you have a query , want to give feedback about the site or just to say hello, please feel free. You can use this form to enter our quiz too !
Media Folks – The Glam Guru has published articles on the 70s and 80s in various publications, some of which have been hung up in the stylish bathrooms all over the world. He has also appeared on radio (recent contribuitor to the BBC World Service) as a 70s/80s gobshi-… er pundit and can supply broacast quality audio from his own studio. Please get in contact to discuss should you have a project you think he can help with.
Advertisers – If you have a 70s/80s related product or service and would like to advertise on the Naff Caff (established 1996), please get in touch to discuss.
About The Glam Guru
The Glam Guru was born in the North Of England in 1963, during one of the worst winters in the UK. Most children born at this time have the inability to function in low temperatures.
His interest in music probably began by miming along to You Got Your Troubles by The Fortunes as a toddler ! But the 70s and 80s made a lasting imprint and began to write articles on 70s/80s music.
In 1996, the Internet came to North Yorkshire and the Naff Caff was created later that year when The Glam Guru remembered a piece he had written on the fads and fashions of the 70s. He rewrote this article for the internet and realised how much of the era was worth documenting and The Naff Caff was the result. The site was hosted on various free webspace servers until 2000 when a dedicated domain name was acquired. Since then, The Glam Guru has received tons of email from people who remember the greatest decades with great affection.Al
As well as full time work, The Glam Guru continues to contribute to publications, hosts radio programmes including The 80s Lunchbox for a radio station called The Cheese in New Zealand and can be heard voicing radio commercials via The Vox Junction.
The Glam Guru lives in a cottage on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales with a wife who (luckily) shares his obsession with music and old tat !